

A Different Kind of Love

In celebrating only couples in “Love, Vassar Style” [Winter 2016] VQ did something Vassar never did when I was there—elevate romantic relationships over all other relationships. That’s such a conventional thing to do, and Vassar, in my experience, was never conventional.

My time there helped me realize I could live the life I want—single life—without falling for the falsehood that such a life would be second rate. I was even emboldened to stand up for singles with books such as Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored and Still Live Happily Ever After.

Research shows that when people marry, they become more insular. It is single life that is broadening and it is friendships that link us to a bigger world. Vassar friendships are significant not just for the personal joy they bring but also for what they do to advance important social causes.

Let’s celebrate them.

Bella DePaulo '75

Summerland, CA

Exploring (and Inspiring) Transfer

It was wonderful to read “Exploring Transfer: Encouraging Four-Year Degrees for 30 Years” in the Fall 2015 issue. ET completely changed my life. It exposed me to new possibilities and led me to Vassar to complete my education. I want to take this opportunity to mention Professor Cecilia Macheski, Faculty Director of LaGuardia Community College, someone who dedicated herself to make ET what it is today. Cecilia Macheski started teaching in the ET program in 1987. She was the faculty director for three years and served on the steering committee for many years. Together with Vassar writing specialist Thomas McGlinchey, she ran a grant from Ford Foundation to replicate the program in other colleges. During my time at the ET program, Cecilia and Tom were like two surrogate parents to us. Cecilia’s care and warmth extended to all of us. Cecilia, thank you for all you did for the ET program.

Kanchana Marapana '05

Weston, FL

In the Key of Science

My first reaction to the picture of the Bridge for Laboratory Sciences on the cover of the Winter 2016 issue was that it looked like a piano keyboard! My next thought was that maybe we could call the building the new “Music of the Spheres,” a rather poetic image with a ring of truth in it!

Antonia Post Fiske '57

Salinas, CA


The cover image for the Winter 2016 issue was mistakenly credited. Karl Rabe was the photographer.

In a Mixed Media listing for Intimate Coercion: Recognition and Recovery in the Winter 2016 issue, we failed to note that co-author Melissa Scardaville '97 also is a graduate of the college.